Ancient Paganism The Sorcery Of The Fallen Angels Pdf

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What was the religion of the fallen angels? How did their religion cause the complete apostasy and destruction of the entire world? Was Lucifers lie part of the pre-flood paganism? The Religion of the Fallen Angels Ancient Pre-Flood Paganism Lucifers plan was to create varying kinds of paganism. Goetic sorcery in Western magic is based on the 72 Spirits of Solomon, also called Fallen Angels. Details of their duties, characteristics, and Seals are given in the Lemegeton, a grimoire attributed to Solomon but probably written much later than his time.

The fallen angels and the heroes of mythology, the same with “the sons of god' and 'the mighty men' of the sixth chapter of the first book of moses. John fleming, a.b. Incumbent of ventry and kildrum, diocese op ardfert; rural dean; and irish society's missionary. Jul '80”' dublin: hodges, foster, and figgis. Spirits identified as being among the seventy-two are the subject of the various books of the Lemegeton and other grimoires. Many of them are clearly distortions of ancient Pagan deities—like “Marquis” Ammon, “Duke” Ashtaroth, or King Baal, now redefined as Demons.

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Ancient paganism the sorcery of the fallen angels pdf freeContents of Disk (created on a Windows computer):
The Fallen Angels and the Heroes of Mythology by John Fleming 1879
Sketches in Angelology, article in Bibliotheca Sacra and Theological Review 1843
Paganism and Christianity by James A Farrer 1891 (Still less did Catholicism introduce any change into the Pagan theory of secondary or subordinate divine agencies. Only a change of diction ensued, the word angels or messengers, which had long been in use as a synonym for the gods, coming at last to supersede the latter term altogether. The saints and martyrs displaced the gods and heroes, but the new angel-worship differed to no appreciable degree, theoretically or practically, from the old polytheism it supplanted.)
Angelic Beings - their nature and ministry by Charles D Bell 1875
The Holy Angels by Richard O'Kennedy 1887
The Demi-Gods by James Stephens 1921
The Wonderful Visit by HG Wells 1895
The Revolt of the Angels by Anatole France 1914
A Book of Angels by P.L. 1906
Watching Spirits by EF Ellet 1851
Memoirs of a Guardian Angel by G Chardon 1871
Thoughts on the cherubimical mystery - An attempt to prove that the cherubims were emblems of salvation by the blood of Jesus by James Relly 1808
Kerubim in Semitic religion and art by FN Lindsay 1912
Angels Messages through Mrs. Ellen E. Ward, as a Medium 1875
The Stars and the Angels 1860
The Angels, by a Bible Student 1875
Sacred and Legendary Art, volume 1 by Mrs Jameson 1881
Sacred and Legendary Art, volume 2 by Mrs Jameson 1881
Notes on the Angels, based on the teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas (The Angelic Doctor)
Demonic possession in the New Testament by William Alexander 1902

Ancient Paganism The Sorcery Of The Fallen Angels Pdf Book

A View of the Scripture revelations respecting Good and Evil Angels by Richard Whateley 1856
INTERMEDIARIES IN JEWISH THEOLOGY (Metatron) article in The Harvard theological Review 1922
Foot-prints of Angels in Fields of Revelation by EA Stockman 1890
History of Christian doctrine by Henry Clay Sheldon Volume 1 1886
History of Christian doctrine by Henry Clay Sheldon Volume 2 1886 (Deals with angels and angelology)
The Angel-Messiah of Buddhists Essenes and Christians
The Angel of Jehovah, article in the Bibliotheca Sacra 1859
The Book of Enoch - article in Fraser's Magazine 1833 ('Samyaza and Azazyel, in the Book of Enoch, are among the chiefs of the rebel angels - 'the sons of heaven,' who, in the days when the sons of men had multiplied, and it happened that daughters were born to them, elegant and beautiful, beheld them, and became enamoured of them, saying to each other, Come, let us select for ourselves wives from the progeny of men, and let us beget children.')
The Autobiography of Satan by John Relly Beard - 1872 ('There you have the full picture of 'the fall of the angels,' involving the incarceration of Azazyel, their leader, and the everlasting punishment with which their crimes were repaid: the entire fiction of 'the devil and his angels' you have there in an anonymous book anterior to Christ, and long anterior to the Gospels and the New Testament in general, including the Apocalypse, which still retains, as do the Gospels, some of the lurid imagery of Enoch the fanatic.')
The evolution of Christianity by Charles Gill 1883 ('Two hundred sons of heaven or angels descended upon Ardis, the top of Mount Armon, under the leadership of Samyaza, and selected wives among the most beautiful daughters of men, who became the mothers of monstrous giants, of appetites so destructive that they
not only devoured birds, beasts, reptiles, and fishes, but even lived, as cannibals, on human flesh. This appalling reign of violence and cruelty on earth at length aroused Michael, Gabriel, Eaphael, and other loyal members of the heavenly Host...')
The Book of Adam and Eve by Solomon Caesar Malan - 1882
The Watchers and the Holy Ones by Samuel Horsley 1806 (very old, poor quality)
The Loves of the Angels - A Poem by Thomas Moore 1823
The Books of the Apocrypha: Their Origin, Teaching and Contents by William Oscar Emil Oesterley - 1914
Genius and Spirit of the Hebrew Bible by Constantine Samuel Rafinsque, 1838
The Three Archangels and the guardian angels in art by Eliza Starr 1899
Pagan Origin of Partialist Doctrines By John Claudius Pitrat 1871 ('The Papal Church holds still that the angels form three hierarchies, or choirs. The first is that of the Seraphims, Cherubims, and thrones; the second comprises the dominations, the virtues, and the powers; and the third is composed of the principalities, of the archangels, and of the angels. One of these angels, called guardian, is obliged to stand by each one of us all the days of our life. Temples, altars, prayers and sacrifices are offered to them.')
A glossary of important symbols in their Hebrew, pagan and Christian forms 1912
The Light of Truth as revealed in the Holy Scriptures by Levi Rightmyer 1916 ('This Scripture that Jesus quoted from the eighty-second Psalm, proves that mortal men are in some instances called gods, as well as are immortal men or angels; for angels are called both men, and gods, as well as angels.')
A Disseration concerning the Angel who is called the Redeemer, chapter in The Judgement of the ancient Jewish church against the Unitarians by Pierre Allix 1821
The Words of the Angels - Their Visits to the Earth, and the Messages they delivered by R. Stier 1879
The Angel of the Lord; or, Manifestations of Christ in the Old Testament by William Pakenham Walsh 1876
The Angel of Jehovah, article in The Exegete and homiletic monthly 1880
The Guardian Angels or, Friends in Heaven by Sarah Gould 1856
The Magic of Jewels and Charms by George Kunz 1915 (Angels and Ministers of Grace)
Angels and Heaven by Thomas Mills 1872
The Angel of Jehovah, article in The Christian examiner and general review 1836
Spiritism and the Fallen Angels in the light of the Old and New Testaments by James Gray 1920
The anti-universalist, or, History of the fallen angels of the Scriptures by Josiah Priest 1839
Angels in Art by Clara Waters 1898
Origin of Man- A Treatise of Angels, Devils and Men, and a Compendium of War in Heaven by James Simmons 1875
Ethel's Book or, Tales of the angels by FW Faber 1898
Of the Doctrine Respecting Angels, article in Lectures on Christian theology By Georg Christian Knapp 1845 - some pages hard to read
(Importance of, Nature of Angels, Proof of Angels, division of angels, names of good angels, fallen angels and evil spirits)
Is Jesus the Angel Abaddon? by Heinz Schmitz (pdf and Kindle format)
The Nature and Ministry of Holy Angels by James Rawson 1848
The Angels' Whispers; or, Echoes of Spirit Voices by Daniel Eddy 1881
The ministration of angels 1861
Saint Michael the Archangel - Three Enconiums (tributes) by Theodosius, archbishop of Alexandria; Severus, patriarch of Antioch; and Eustathius, bishop of Trake - the Coptic texts with extracts from Arabic and Ethiopian versions (1894)
Books which influenced Our Lord and His Apostles - being a critical review of apocalyptic Jewish literature by John Thompson 1891
'By later Judaism, the angel of the presence was identified with the Metatron, by others with the Archangel Michael, who again is identified with the Metatron. Later Christian interpretation sees in this the Second Person of the Trinity.'
Dictionary of phrase and fable by Ebenezer Brewer 1870
Archangels, article in the Expository Times 1892
Spirit Drawings by W. M. Wilkinson 1858
A Dictionary of Miracles by Ebenezer Brewer 1884
Fallen Angels by 'One of Them' (an angel) 1894
God, the author of nature and the supernatural by Joseph Prohle 1912 (sections include: Christian Angelology, Existence, Nature, Number, and Hierarchy of the Angels, Existence and Nature of the Angels, Number and Hierarchy of the Angels, The Angels and the Supernatural Order, The Supernatural Endowment of the Angels, The Angels in Their Relation to Men, or the Guardian Angels, The Apostasy of a Number of the Angels, The Fallen Angels or Demons, The Demons in Their Relation to the Human Race)
The Bible History of Satan. Is he a fallen angel? By a Cambridge master of arts (858
A Dictionary of Islam; being a cyclopaedia of the doctrines, rites, ceremonies, and customs, together with the technical and theological terms, of the Muhammadan religion (1885) by Thomas Hughes
(Muslims have a strong belief in angels)
Demoniality; or, Incubi and Succubi by Maria Sinistrari 1879
The Phantom World - The Philosophy of Spirits, Apparitions, etc by A Calmet 1850 Volume 1
The Phantom World - The Philosophy of Spirits, Apparitions, etc by A Calmet 1850 Volume 2
Spirit rapping unveiled! An expose of the origin, history, theology and philosophy of certain alleged communications from the spirit world by Hiram Mattison 1852
The Spirit Disembodied By Herbert Broughton 1867
The Angelic Council - article in the 20th Century Magazine 1907
Faded myths By Arthur Samuel Peake 1908
The doctrine and literature of the Kabalah by Arthur Waite 1902
Heaven and its Wonders, the World of Spirits, and Hell: from things heard and seen by Emanuel Swedenborg 1885

Heaven and Hell, Also The Intermediate State, Or World of Spirits by Emanuel Swedenborg 1885
5000 facts and fancies; a cyclopaedia of important, curious, quaint, and unique information in history, literature, science, art, and nature .. (1901)
Arcana Caelestia, The Heavenly Arcana contained in the Holy Scriptures or Word of the Lord unfolded beginning with Genesis together with wonderful things seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels, Volume 1, by Emanuel Swedenborg 1882
Arcana Caelestia, The Heavenly Arcana contained in the Holy Scriptures or Word of the Lord unfolded beginning with Genesis together with wonderful things seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels, Volume 2, by Emanuel Swedenborg 1882
Arcana Caelestia, The Heavenly Arcana contained in the Holy Scriptures or Word of the Lord unfolded beginning with Genesis together with wonderful things seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels, Volume 3, by Emanuel Swedenborg 1882
Arcana Caelestia, The Heavenly Arcana contained in the Holy Scriptures or Word of the Lord unfolded beginning with Genesis together with wonderful things seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels, Volume 4, by Emanuel Swedenborg 1882
Arcana Caelestia, The Heavenly Arcana contained in the Holy Scriptures or Word of the Lord unfolded beginning with Genesis together with wonderful things seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels, Volume 5, by Emanuel Swedenborg 1882
Arcana Caelestia, The Heavenly Arcana contained in the Holy Scriptures or Word of the Lord unfolded beginning with Genesis together with wonderful things seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels, Volume 6, by Emanuel Swedenborg 1882
Arcana Caelestia, The Heavenly Arcana contained in the Holy Scriptures or Word of the Lord unfolded beginning with Genesis together with wonderful things seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels, Volume 7, by Emanuel Swedenborg 1882
Arcana Caelestia, The Heavenly Arcana contained in the Holy Scriptures or Word of the Lord unfolded beginning with Genesis together with wonderful things seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels, Volume 8, by Emanuel Swedenborg 1882
Arcana Caelestia, The Heavenly Arcana contained in the Holy Scriptures or Word of the Lord unfolded beginning with Genesis together with wonderful things seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels, Volume 9, by Emanuel Swedenborg 1882
Arcana Caelestia, The Heavenly Arcana contained in the Holy Scriptures or Word of the Lord unfolded beginning with Genesis together with wonderful things seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels, Volume 10, by Emanuel Swedenborg 1882
Ancient paganism the sorcery of the fallen angels pdf bookOn the Book of Enoch - you get:
The Book of Enoch is a very important ancient text that gives high import to angels (The Watchers... the angels who fathered the Nephilim)
Four Notes on the Book of Enoch by FC Burkitt, article in the Journal of Theological Studies 1907
The Book of Enoch translated from August Dillman's text 1893 ('angels' are mentioned 123 times in the Book of Enoch)
The Book of Enoch translated from the Ethiopic with Notes by George H Schodde 1882
The Book of the Secrets of Enoch by William Morfill 1896
The Book of Enoch the Prophet by Richard Laurence 1883
Enoch Restitutus, an Attempt to Separate from the Books of Enoch the book quoted by St. Jude, also a comparison of the chronology of Enoch with the Hebrew Computation, and with the periods mentioned in the book of Daniel and in the Apocalypse, Includes 'The book of Enoch, to which are added parallel passages from the Scriptures' by Edward Murray 1836
The Book of Enoch, the Prophet: An Apocryphal Production, Supposed for Ages to Have Been Lost by Richard Laurence 1838
The Book of Enoch, a chapter in the book _The Christology of Jesus_ by James Stalker 1899
Plus you get:
Is Jesus Christ the Archangel Michael
A Discourse on Denying the Lord Jesus.
by Bernard Whitman 1827
'The Title Michael, the Archangel, literally signifies the head messenger that is like God. This must be Jesus Christ...'
A Dictionary of the Holy Bible By John Brown
'Archangel, a chief angel; but whether this word in Scripture ever denotes a created angel, or always hard to determine.' p.51
A Theological Dictionary: Containing Definitions of All Religious Terms ...
by Charles Buck - Theology - 1831
(p. 29 states that many with reason apply the term archangel 'to our Savior'
The Life of Christ: A Poem By Samuel Wesley, Frank Crane 1900
'He is called an Angel, because he governs the world; for it is written, Jehovah
brought us out of Egypt.'
Christology of the Old Testament: And a Commentary on the Messianic Predictions - Page 304 by Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg, Theodore Meyer, James Martin 1858
'That the Michael referred to in Rev. xii. 7 is no other than the Logos, has
already been proved in my commentary upon that passage.'
Matthew Henry's Bible Commentary (in html help format)
'Some understand it of a created angel, but an archangel of the highest order, 1 Thess. iv. 16; Jude 9. Others think that Michael the archangel is no other than Christ himself, the angel of the covenant, and the Lord of the angels'
John Calvin - Commentary on Daniel (in searchable pdf format)
'He adds next, Behold! Michael, one of the chief leaders or princes, came to strengthen me. Some think the word Michael represents Christ, and I do not object to this opinion. Clearly enough, if all angels keep watch over the faithful and elect, still Christ holds the first rank among them, because he is their head, and uses their ministry and assistance to defend all his people.'
The Geneva Study Bible (in text format) 'Even though God could by one angel destroy all the world, yet to assure his children of his love he sends forth double power, even Michael, that is, Christ Jesus the head of angels.'
The Works of Thomas Shepard: First Pastor of the First Church, Cambridge
by Thomas Shepard - 1853
Then shall the voice of the archangel be heard. Now, this archangel is Jesus
Christ himself, as the Scripture expounds, being in the clouds of heaven ...
History of the Old Covenant by Johann Heinrich Kurtz - 1859

Ancient Paganism The Sorcery Of The Fallen Angels Pdf Free

'Michael...the uncreated Logos' P. 499
The times of the gentiles by Joseph Baylee - 1871
In His official character Jesus is an angel, and it is He whom St John saw in
this vision as come to judgment. But He does not begin His work until the ...P. 123
The Revelation of Jesus Christ: Explained Agreeably to the Analogy of Holy by John Hooper - 1850
The shout is that of the saints in heaven, and the voice of the archangel is the
voice of the LORD JESUS in His Church, by which the dead are raised, ...
A Dissertation on the Scripture Expressions, the Angel of the Lord, and the Angel of Jesus by William Jones 1752
Danville Quarterly Review - Pages 458, 459
'The first clue to the reconciliation of these two passages, is to be found in
the identity of the Archangel Michael with the Jehovah Angel of the Old Testament...'
Minor Prophets: With Notes, Critical, Explanatory and Practical - Page 394
by Henry Cowles - 1867
Jesus is the angel of the covenant in the twofold sense: (1.) Of being the same personage so often called in the Old Testament an ' angel,' eg, Ex. 23:20-23.
Joseph and Benjamin: letters on the controversy between Jews and Christians - Page 181, by Joseph Samuel C.F. Frey - 1837
'It further appears that Jesus is the angel Jehovah, from the united testimony of Christian writers.'
History of Dogma - Page 185
by Adolf von Harnack, Ebenezer Brown Speirs -1902
'confession that God chose ' and prepared Jesus, that Jesus is the Angel and the servant of God, that he will judge the living and the dead'
The nature and time of the second advent of Messiah, 4 letters - Page 71
by Samuel Madden - 1829
'And further, Jesus is ' the Angel of God,' or ' of the Lord ' who spoke to Moses, and, as we before saw, accompanied the Israelites in the cloudy and fiery ...'
Zechariah: his visions and warnings - Page 45
by William Lindsay Alexander - 1885
In support of this may be urged (1) the fact that the archangel Michael is
undoubtedly the same being who appears here and elsewhere as the Angel of Jehovah
A Few Reasons for thinking that Michael the Archangel is Jesus Christ, plus, A Few Reasons for Believing that Christ is Mentioned in the Scriptures under the Character of an Angel, (these are both Chapters from the Book: The Bible doctrine of God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit by William Kinkade 1829
Agreeing with Thy Adversary (Chapter in the Book: The kingdom of God and the kingdom of the heavens by Francis B. Harris)
'The Second Archangel, Michael, became Jesus, 'the Son of Man,'
Review in the International Journal of Ethics 1907
'in Enoch xlvi, etc., the term 'Son of Man' had been made descriptive of a heavenly being who might be the archangel Michael, and who was expected to become the Messiah. It is only a step from this to such a use on the part of Jesus as we have supposed, though a step which only a religious genius could take.'
Review in _The Prophetic News and Israel's Watchman_By Rev. J. A. Seiss 1882
'Who, then, is Michael ? Many answer, the Lord Jesus Christ, claiming that it would impinge upon the dignity and prerogatives of Christ to attribute all that is here implied to a mere angel, however exalted.' (though this author disagrees)
The Stations and Numbers of Angels - article in THE CHRISTIAN'S PENNY MAGAZINE 1837
'From all this it is evident, that Michael is a name for our Lord himself...'
Outlines and exposition of the Apocalypse 1867
'Now these things considered, we are fain to acknowledge that the archangel Michael is none other than our Lord Jesus Christ.' p.94
The Works of Nathaniel Lardner 1838
'Now upon examination into the scriptures, it will appear, that this Messiah, or Christ, was the same person with the great archangel Michael, who was the guardian angel of Israel.'
The Angel-Messiah of Buddhists, Essenes, and Christians by E Bunsen 1880
The Humanity of Jesus (Article in the Open Court magazine) 1912 -
Discusses Jesus, Michael and Metatron
On the Angel who Bore the Name (from Biblical Notes and Dissertations) by Joseph John Gurney 1843
The Christian Verity Stated in Reply to a Unitarian (has a chapter on The Angel with Moses and the Judges) by Walter Chamberlain 1861
On the First Three Gospels by ERNEST DE BUNSEN (in Misc Notes and Queries)
'Luke has not hesitated to refer mysteriously to the Essenic and Paulinic doctrine of Jesus Christ as the Angel-Messiah. There can be no doubt that already Stephen regarded Jesus as the incarnate Wisdom of God to whom had been attributed a premundane personality by the side of God in the Book of Proverbs, though without an indication of a future incarnation of the Divine Wisdom. With this isolated passage stands in direct connection the statement in the Targum that the world and man were created through the Word or Memra, here called ' the thought or Word of God,' and identified by Targumists with the Metatron or ' Angel by God's throne,' who went before and followed Israel in the wilderness. We pointed out that this Angel, the Angel-Messiah, is by Stephen and Paul identified with Christ.'
Angelology by G. Clayton 1851

A Reply to Dr Ralph Wilson by Heinz Schmitz:
'Jesus has been given authority by his Father to raise the dead. (Jn.5:25,26).
But the voice of the archangel also raises the dead (1Thes. 4:16; cf Dan.12:2). Michael is called 'the great prince' (Dan. 12:1). Christ is called a 'princely ruler' and 'prince of peace' (Isa.9:6). In Daniel chapter 7, there is a prophecy about the march of world powers to the end of the age. At the climax of that prophecy we read that 'someone like a son of man' was 'given rulership and dignity and kingdom,' and that one is Jesus Christ. (Dan.7:13, 14) In another prophecy Daniel wrote that reached down to 'the time of the end' (Dan.10:13;11:40) Michael would stand up: 'And during that time Michael will stand up.' (Da 12:1) In Daniel's prophecy, 'standing up' frequently refers to the action of a king, either taking up his royal power or acting effectively in his capacity as King. (Dan.11:2-4,7,16,20,21) Michael's 'standing' indicates a ruler and supports the conclusion that Michael is Jesus Christ, since Jesus is Jehovah's/Yahweh's appointed King. Both prophecies deal with the same time and the same event...thus the conclusion is obvious. Satan is abyssed by an *angel* for a thousand years. (Rev.20:1, 2, 10) . The demons identified Christ as the one who was to hurl them into the 'abyss' (Mt 8:29). The nations are destroyed by Jesus and *his* army of angels. (Rev.12:12; 17:16, 17; 19:11-16) Jesus is also prophesied as the seed that is to crush Satan's head (Gen.3:15), but yet Michael with 'his angels' does this in Revelation 12.'
Abaddon/Apollyon-Demonic Devil or Angelic Christ? by Heinz Schmitz
The Bible Doctrine of God by W. Kinkade 1829
'The title Michael, the Archangel, literally signifies the head messenger that is like God. This must be Jesus Christ, because we all acknowledge that he is the image of God, and the head messenger that was ever sent into our world.'
The world, thanks to Cain and the Serpent, was now on the slow pathway to self-destruction. We also
know Cain, through his “ways,” was doing the exact opposite that God had planned for him. Adam had
fallen a long time before this. The whole working world of the Garden had forever changed. The other
fallen, corporeal angels of the Garden probably felt vindicated, at least in their minds. Cain began to
influence the developing societies around him with these anti-God religious beliefs. Cain, the Serpent,
and now these other fallen angels were being held in high regard - for their “other worldly” knowledge.
This would, eventually, give them their “bargaining chips,” to get themselves whatever they wanted.
The rest of the fallen angels, also known as the
Nephilim, wanted their place in this post-Adamic world.
The power grid had changed; and these fallen angels aimed to keep it that way. We recall the prophecy,
as stated by God to the Serpent:[1]
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise
thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel…
- Gen. 3:15 (KJV)
The word seed, in this above verse, means “semen virile;” hence “offspring,” “posterity,” and
“descendants.”[2] We know there were groups of human beings with truly human blood: Adam, the
Adamites, and other pre-Adamites. We also know there had begun to be offspring on the earth with mixed
blood - those with blood of the Serpent (such as Cain). We’ll now discover there would be
more crossbred-
offspring - via these fallen angels, as well; and we’ll discover what it all would mean to the Genesis 3:15
To begin, the mixing of human and fallen angelic blood was not in God’s plan for the human race, as far
as “kind after kind.” There would be entirely new groups of people emerging.
…while the other race of evil fame which trod the earth in Cain's lifetime is shown by both the Bible
and Babylonian monuments to have been half human - half spirit. These people are called in the Bible
the Nephilim, Rephaim, or Fallen Ones, and are said to have been the children of the fallen angels
who took as wives the daughter of men. As Professor King points out, a parallel is provided in the
Babylonian inscriptions: “… According to the traditions the records embody, the Sumerians looked
back to a time when gods lived upon the earth with men... we read of two Sumerian heroes, also rulers
of cities who were divine on the father's or mother's side but not on both” (Legends of Babylon and
Egypt, p. 39).
(Bristowe, 1927, p. 101)[3]
We’ll now see this era of crossbreeding (Nephilim with human) would go beyond just the Serpent and Eve.
This would be known as the great time of
fornication: a genetic expansion of angelic sperm into human
If we think about it, could these types of mixed-offspring even be possible? The merging of angels and
humans into living, breathing, offspring has been a heavily debated topic for centuries. Today, many
scholars agree that these angels (often known as
Sons of God) were nothing more than pious human
beings, even human
judges over people.[5] Many people have tried to disprove the existence of angels,
especially the possibility of any sort of cohabitation. These same people, however, cannot deny the
voracity of ancient written works to the contrary. Are all of these ancient texts wrong, just because
things like this don’t happen today? There are even a number of large human remains, oversized tools,
and even coffins, now found throughout the world.[6] In fact, no one really challenged the truth of these
angelic unions until the third or forth century A.D.[7]
For some strange reason, however, a number of people, over the centuries, have attempted to stop
this information from coming out; or, at least, disallow the validity for the argument. The famous Cath-
olic scholar, Augustine, however, wrote this about fallen angels: “… their nature is animal, their mind
rational, their soul subject to passions… (these things) they have in common with men…”[8] We recall
the Serpent lusted after Eve as well, with these same human thoughts, passions and emotions. What
about angels having the same
physical attributes?
We are given a number of Biblical examples of angels who actually had the physical ability to alternate
between man and angel.[9] One angel was considered a
man by others around him (in Genesis 18:22),
and then back to an
angel (Genesis 19:1 and 19:15), and back to a man again (Genesis 19:16). Three
angels approached Abraham to announce the birth of his son, Isaac. Abraham viewed them
as human
; but, later, understood they were something more. Two angels visited Lot, and physically
dragged him and his family away from the cities of Sodom and Gommorah. These same angels stayed
with him for a night, and ate of his food. Lot, however,
knew that they were something more, as well.
There was an angel who physically wrestled with Jacob. All of these were considered “men” to the
ancients, but they also knew there was something more to them.
There are even some angels in our world considered so close to men that, according to the Bible,
people might encounter them and never even know they were something more:
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
- Heb. 13:2 (KJV)
When these angels of old fell, they, according to the Bible, did lose their former “estate” (Jude 1:6):
…(the angels), who rebelled above, and whom the Holy One, blessed be He, caused to fall from
heaven, were forced to put on and to live with the garments of the earth. They could not divest them-
selves of these garments and could not return to their former residence with the rest of the angels.
They remained forever on earth.
- Zohar Beresheet B69[10]
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